The API is hosted by render.com. The base url is here. All other endpoints are relative to this url. The GitHub link for the API is here.

Folder Structure

├── README.md
├── requirements.txt
├── run.py
└── src
    ├── app.py
    ├── helpers.py
    ├── __init__.py
    ├── zip_lat_long.csv
    └── zip_lat_long.json


PurpleAir returns their data as a json object formatted as such:

    // metadata
    "fields": [
    "location_types": [
    // data is a list of lists. each list/array in data is the data for a certain sensor
    "data": [
            "City College",


The /score endpoint will take the above json and format it into the following python dictionary:

        "zip_code": int,
        "pm2.5": float,
        "pm2.5_30minute": float,
        "pm2.5_60minute": float,
        "pm2.5_1week": float,
        "temperature": int,
        "IAQI": dict{
            "score": int,
            "category": str

The frontend will then take this json object and embed data into components in the HTML. Data is subject to change as we add different functionalities.