Creating a new API endpoint

All endpoints are defined inside ./src/ To create a new endpoint, simply create a new function and add a new route to the api object.

  1. Navigate to ./src/

  2. Define a new route (name and methods) through the following syntax:

    @api.route("/test", methods=[GET,POST])
    def test():
        return "Hello World!"

    An example endpoint called "test" that takes methods GET and POST

    The above code will create an endpoint called test such that when accessed will show "Hello World!".


The function name can be anything, but it is recommended to keep it consistent with the endpoint name.

  1. Define logic for endpoint.

    • Inside the function body, you can access the query string provided through the request.args.get("<query name>")
    • Handle errors, do computations, etc...

    Flask offers many different ways to return data. For more information, see the Flask documentation.

    You can:

    • return a string literal
    • return a json object
    • render a template (html file)
    • redirect to a different route or url
    • return a file
    • etc...